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The Body Temperature Test for a Low Thyroid

Body temperature test

You may need to test for low thyroid hormone production if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms associated with hypothyroidism:

Weight gain
Steady reduction in weight and loss of appetite
Tiredness that results in longer hours of sleep and waking as tired as when you went to bed
Chronic fatigue and feelings of lethargy
Feeling weak
Change of toilet routine leading to constipation
Shortness of breath without exercise or exertion
Sudden bouts of depression
Irritable and short tempered
Poor memory retention, forgetfulness and lack of concentration
Feeling cold at all times coupled with low body temperature
Dry coarse hair, dry skin and possible hair loss
Aching muscles and/or painful joints
Fall off of libido
Raised levels of cholesterol or triglycerides
Heavy periods
Difficulty in becoming pregnant

If you are looking for conformation of a possible thyroid disorder, why not try the D.I.Y Barnes thyroid temperature test. This type of test for low thyroid was the only means doctors had of diagnosing a patients condition prior to the advent of blood tests. It may prove to be a reasonably priced, accurate first step to getting to the bottom of your own symptoms. Once you have determined if your symptoms are indeed hypothyroidism, you can decide on any future course of action, which could mean further tests either at home or in a clinic.

So just how do you test for low thyroid using the Barnes basal temperature low thyroid tests?

Keep a thermometer, preferably a digital thermometer if you own one, close at hand when you go to bed at night.

When you wake, place the thermometer in the pit of your arm for a period of five minutes. Make sure not to move around too much as movement can increase your core body temperature.

For five days repeat this test and record the temperature readings. For women pre-menopause, special consideration needs to be given during ovulation as this too will increase the body temperature. It is recommended that women who still have a menstrual period begin the test on or after the third day of their cycle.

At the end of the test for low thyroid, calculate the average temperature (add all the readings together and divide the total by the number of results taken) and if the resulting average temperature is 36.4 or below then a low thyroid function may be indicated. Further checks and a visit to your physician is recommended but thanks to this low thyroid check you have given yourself a better chance of overcoming any thyroid disorder.

Find out more about home thyroid test kits and plenty of other realistic advice to help you overcoming thyroid disorders.

Are You Exhausted Right Now?

Hypothyroidism Solution

Imagine waking up every morning with a clear head, having an abundance of energy and feeling excited about the day ahead!

If this sounds like a dream, you need to check out the Hypothyroidism Solution e-book.

Have you experienced any of these symptoms?

  • Fatigue: it doesn’t matter how much sleep you get, its never enough
  • Lack of libido: no desire for sex :(
  • Depression: there’s no enthusiasm for anything
  • Brain fog: can’t seem to think straight or remember things you should easily know
  • Weight gain: you can’t seem to lose weight no matter what you do

The Hypothyroidism Solution is written by Duncan Capicchiano, a world renowned, fully qualified naturopath.

Start tackling your Low Thyroid today - Click Here to find out more about the Hypothyroidism Solution e-book!